■ Product Introduction and Features

PCIe HSM is a cryptographic hardware device independently developed by Sansec. It adapts to various kinds of cryptographic security systems. It can ensure data confidentiality, integrity and other cryptographic functions by using digital signature and data encryption. These functions are achieved by its high-speed and multi-task parallel processing cryptographic operations.


The cryptography application system connects the cryptography service through calling the standard interfaces provided by the PCIe HSM. And these interfaces meet the requirements of GM/T0018-2012 Cryptographic Application Interface Specification, which means the PCIe HSM has high compatibility and can smoothly connect to different platforms, business applications without further integration.

■ Application Scenarios

Applied to Server

Embedded in server equipment as the hardware support for encryption, providing high security level of sensitive data protection (keys), cryptographic operations and random number generation, etc.

Applied to VPN/Gateway

Embedded in various VPN equipment as the hardware support for security encryption to provide secure storage of keys and high-performance cryptographic operations.

Applied to Trusted Computing

Embedded in server equipment as a high-performance trust root to provide server with credible certification and high-performance cryptographic operations.

Storage Encryption

Embedded in the storage encryption equipment as a high-performance symmetric encryption and decryption module, provide high-performance cryptographic operations that meet the storage encryption scenario.

Clouding Computing

Support high-performance cryptographic operations and the SR-IOV function, which can provide low-cost cryptographic function extensions for virtualized application servers.



■ Product Series

General PCIe HSM


  • Independently developed by Sansec
  • Support SM1, SM2, SM3 and SM4 algorithms
  • High convenience with basic performance.


  • Higher encryption/decryption and signature/verification capabilities than Mini PCIe HSM
  • Support Chinese cryptographic algorithm SM1, SM2, SM3, SM4 and international algorithm RSA

Commercial PCIe HSM

  • Strong cryptographic computing capabilities
  • Support Chinese cryptographic algorithms SM1, SM2, SM3, SM4, SM7, SM9 and international algorithms RSA, AES, DES, etc.
  • Customized modifications of PCIe HSM and interface.
  • Optimized SM4 performance

Professional PCIe HSM

  • First Level 3 Commercial Cryptographic Product in China credited by State Cryptography Administration
  • High-level international cryptographic algorithms performance
  • Conform to Cybersecurity Classified Protection Level 3 and 4
  • Satisfy diverse cloud encryption scenarios with SR-IOV virtualization function
  • Provides up to 22Gbps computing capacity for SM4 encryption

SJK1927(#2) 主要面向海内外的密码运算产品,以提供国际算法为主的密码产品,可以为海外VPN、负载、身份认证网关等设备提供密码支撑

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